About Me

I spent my life procrastinating travel. When I was growing up, my family didn’t have the means to travel far or often, so I didn’t. When I was in school, I didn’t have the means or time to travel, so I didn’t. When I started working, I had the means and time but felt too scared to do it alone, so I only traveled when I had someone to go with me, which wasn’t very often. Last year I was inspired to figure out how to travel on my own, so I bought a backpack and have since been figuring out how to travel, one country at a time!

I love adventure, so one of my key concerns was my safety as a woman traveling solo in another country, both in and out of major cities. I hope that this blog will inspire other women to also not be afraid to travel alone, and to seek the types of solo adventures that normally only men think about. Often I find that the fear only exists within my own mind, but it is always good that it reminds me to be careful. After all, I want to be doing this for a long time!

I’ve wanted to get scuba certified for over a decade, and I finally decided to go and do so a few months ago when I started this journey. I had always thought of it as a buddy sport, but now I realize all the wonderful perks of being a solo diver, and every time I dive I come back with a boat full of new friends. I feel like I’ve opened up a whole world of adventure in getting this certification, so I’m sure I’ll be posting a lot of dive-related posts.

Lastly, I have only been doing this for a few months, but I realized that solo travel offers a completely different experience of a place compared to traveling with someone. You get to mingle with locals and learn more about a place than you would if you were with a friend. I’ve met so many wonderful people on my solo travels and highly recommend it to everyone. I hope that this blog will share some of the best parts of countries from this perspective, without spoiling all the local secrets ;).

Do you have any thoughts on what else you’d like to see from my blog posts? Leave me a comment and let me know!

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